Thursday, March 24, 2011

Be still....and wait.

We all experience "tough" moments in life, moments that make us want to just quit and give up. Moments like losing a job, ending a relationship, losing a loved one, school, and a lot more. Just recently, I've been going thru one of those moments. But instead of searching thru worldly things to satisfy me and make me happier, I've given it all to God. Only He can satisfy me! It may seem like rains falling, waters are rising, and our boat is out of control...but be still. Be still, and know that HE is God. Don't give up or feel like you're drowning...Have faith and be still. Amidst the raging storm , Jesus stayed in perfect peace. He was calm and he knew his Father was in today thru everything we go thru we must Live in perfect peace!!

While I was in Haiti, one of my good friends was explaining her time she fully devoted to the Lord, she dated Jesus without having "her eye on any guy." I feel like the Lord said, "Sarah, that's what you need to do, you need to invest all your time into Me, not be searching for a guy to satisfy you." I love that!! Something I heard recently was, "When God gives you the person you are to spend your life with, you will feel peace with that person." That is so true! So if you are in the same position I am.....stop searching and just fully seek Him!
Ephesians 5:25

Right now the Lord is telling me to serve Him the best I can while I am waiting! He knows who He has planned for me and I am going to just trust Him with that! No more trying to fill that place. 

Isaiah 30:18 He blesses the ones who wait on the Lord

Psalm 40- waiting patiently

Put your hope in the Lord for with the Lord is unfailing love and full redemption!

One of my friends sent me this.."Jesus is all you need Sarah, even though it probably doesn't feel that way, it's so true...He loves you and cares about you more than any guy could. just embrace that truth and trust Him with the rest" *Same for all of you!

Just run to Him with everything! Trust Him with it all....I promise He knows what He is doing even when  it seems like everything is falling apart! 

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful post Sarah. I went through a similar experience a few years ago (5 years ago actually) And just like you said, those lonely moments ended up leading to the deepest moments of intimacy i've ever experienced with Christ. Although they were extremely difficult to go through, i wouldn't change them for the world now. The Lord has called you away into the wilderness so that He can speak tenderly to you. Hosea 2:14 says, “Behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.” Christ is teaching you to be His bride before you become a man's bride.

    He's doing that with me too... (except i'll NEVER be a man's bride lol) Technically i'm not supposed to be pursuing a woman until September when my vow of singleness is over *cough* ahem *cough cough*...i'll have to work on that. I've been single for like five years now. That's a long time.

    Anyways, i really enjoyed your post. You are such a beautiful woman from the inside out. God bless. -Chris Ulery
