Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I fell in love.

Sorry this is so late...
hmm where to start...being a part of the March team that went down to Haiti was the most amazing thing that I could experience!! I would not have wanted to spend my spring break any other way! I learned so many things while I was there. Number one was I am called to be a servant! It is a privilege to suffer for the Lord! I am called to put myself after others.
1. God 2. others 3. me

I had no idea what this trip was going to be like. I was trying to prepare myself physically, but I just had to prepare myself spiritually. I knew there would be oppression, broken hearts, and starving people. Yes, I did see that, but more importantly I just saw joy and HOPE in these people. They are hungry for the LORD, just as I am! Seeing these Haitians worship our God in church Sunday morning was just powerful, and so moving. Something many Americans do while "worshipping" is sing the words off the screen, some of us are so comfortable with doing nothing but singing the words. We have to encounter the love of God! Some of us haven't yet grasped was full "worship" is. These people had. They were dancing. They were shouting. They were singing to our Holy, amazing, perfect GOD! They know how to worship!! The spirit of God was soooo present that morning! I constantly prayed that I could be like them, giving all they had to my God!
It was a major opportunity for me to feel chosen to go! I have never seen so much HOPE for a country to have just after the one year mark of the earthquake. Even thru their hard times, they have hope in our God. They know HE is healer and he will heal them and their home! Being with the orphans every day was incredible. Seeing their sweet smiling faces everyday just brought me joy! I just enjoyed being able to love on those kids with God's love coming thru me! I knew that when I hugged and kissed each child that it was God coming thru me to love on His children!

Being able to be there the day they got their beds was so awesome!! You should have seen the looks and smiles on their faces! Knowing that they wouldn't be sleeping on hard dirty jagged concrete anymore just brought a sense of peace and amazement to many of us! Those sweet children deserved those beds!!

Also another moment I will forever remember is the kids recording "I have decided to follow Jesus!" Talk about making your heart smile. Wow! To describe the way they sounded is hard...They basically sounded like millions of angels just singing to you! They were so loud and their voices were beautiful! I love hearing my angels sing to Jesus!! This is pastor helping lead them in the song while TJ and Andrew recorded it!
It is so hard to summarize my whole experience. I know everyone always says that, but it's so true! Some things you just "had to be there."
I have learned that going to the nations is not just a physical thing but it's spiritual! It's all about the Kingdom of God! I am so thankful the Lord called me to Haiti! It's all about the nations coming to the LORD!!
All I can say is....I fell in love with Haiti and those sweet people. Merci Jezi!!

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